

God's righteousness is not the product of right doing but right being. Being is the creation of God as He has the monopoly of creation. He created all things and beings without consulting anyone. When He made man originally in Gen. 2:7, man became a living being. A being with the life of God. It was God's life that made man upright not uptight. However, when man chose to listen to the serpent and believed the serpent, man lost the life of God and took on the death of the serpent who had been disconnected from God as a result of his rebellion in heaven.
In order for man to get right back to God and enjoy right being with God, man must do just one thing. He must believe God. Heb. 11:6. He must have faith in God. Rom. 1:17 reechoes the truth of faith as our re-connection back to God. The justified ones become just because they have faith in God. Your faith in God is what connects you to God. Your faith in God is what frees you from sin and it's consequences. Your faith in God determines your position with God. What then is this faith? The Hebrew word for faith, emurah, is less about knowing and more about DOING. It literally means to take firm action. This firm action is your personal resolve to believe God and stick with Him in spite of any other opinion or pressure. You must decide to believe God and be determined to stick with your believe in Him even if you are the only one who believes. Be like the postage stamp that sticks to one thing until it arrives at the destination. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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