truth that God is a giver will reset your mind about God. God is not
trying to take from you. He is always giving to you. Every time you ask
God for anything, He gives you because He is so generous and gracious.
Prov. 2:6 shows us three things He uses to wrap your answered prayers, petitions and praises. 1. Wisdom. When you ask God for a wife, husband, child, job, promotion, money, etc, He wraps your request with His wisdom. Wisdom is simply order of manifestation of things according to His original plan for your life. It is what is ordered that appears at the proper time and place. Whatever it is you request from God, ask Him for wisdom to know what to do, how to do what to do, who to text, call, email and contact, when to take the necessary action that will produce maximum results. James 1:5. Wisdom is the principal thing to ask. 2. Knowledge. Since He knows all things, people and places, He will give you an idea or insight to where you can see what you need. You are an idea or information or inspiration away from the manifestation of anything or anyone you pray for. God has the monopoly of knowledge. He is generous with information as long as you are tuned to His channel. Hab. 2:1. Wait for that word of knowledge that will change your world. 3. Understanding. This is what connects the dots to make sense. You can hold a building plan in your hand and not know what it is until a builder or architect explains it. Open up your heart to receive understanding that will cause you to stand out in Jesus name. Amen. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -
Prov. 2:6 shows us three things He uses to wrap your answered prayers, petitions and praises. 1. Wisdom. When you ask God for a wife, husband, child, job, promotion, money, etc, He wraps your request with His wisdom. Wisdom is simply order of manifestation of things according to His original plan for your life. It is what is ordered that appears at the proper time and place. Whatever it is you request from God, ask Him for wisdom to know what to do, how to do what to do, who to text, call, email and contact, when to take the necessary action that will produce maximum results. James 1:5. Wisdom is the principal thing to ask. 2. Knowledge. Since He knows all things, people and places, He will give you an idea or insight to where you can see what you need. You are an idea or information or inspiration away from the manifestation of anything or anyone you pray for. God has the monopoly of knowledge. He is generous with information as long as you are tuned to His channel. Hab. 2:1. Wait for that word of knowledge that will change your world. 3. Understanding. This is what connects the dots to make sense. You can hold a building plan in your hand and not know what it is until a builder or architect explains it. Open up your heart to receive understanding that will cause you to stand out in Jesus name. Amen. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -