

Two things God did and He takes all the credit for as I see in 2 Tim. 1:9. 1. He saved us. Sometimes when you listen to some people talk about being saved, they sound like they did God a favor or they earned it. I don't know how that can ever happen because God is the One reaching out to us. I was so lost that I didn't know. I didn’t even know God existed. But He reached out to me and saved me.
2. He called us. Some preachers brag as though they paid a huge sacrifice to be used by God. I just finished our School of Evangelism in Lilongwe, Malawi where we saw the word work with ease about two weeks ago. I taught the simple message. We went out for practicals and reaped 111 souls. 9 Muslims. There were all kinds of healing miracles of deaf hearing, eye sights healed, etc. Sometimes I am asked, what do you do to make miracles happen? My answer is nothing because God does the work. I just wonder as I watch Him work. That is why these things are called signs and wonders because they make you wonder while they point you to Him. His word when preached with simplicity always does wonders. Looking at that scripture again, you will find why He does everything. 1. Not according to your works. He doesn't want you to take any credit for what He does. He is a monopolist of what He does. 2. His purpose. He has a purpose to accomplish by what He does. However, your participation is required. 3. His grace. What He does is full proof of His grace at work. That's why you can't exhaust His grace. Grace is His power demonstrated in human affairs to produce what we call miracles. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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