

Heart attack is a common cause of death in many cases around the world. What causes it? It is simple. When the heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can't get oxygen. Most heart attack don't happen suddenly. They are the results of a build up of plaque in the arteries.
While we should be concerned about our physical heart, we should be more concerned about our spiritual heart. Eph. 4:30-32 shows us what spiritual heart attack is and what causes it. Spiritual heart attack is grieving not only the Holy Spirit because He has a covenant with Jesus to be with you but grieving of your new born spirit man. To grieve here Greek lupeo is to make sad or sorrowful or heavy to the point where you can pass without notice or knowledge. Grief, sorrow and depression are signs of spiritual heart attack. There are at least eight things that causes this heart attack. 1. Bitterness. Greek pikria is a poison or acid that pierces your heart to bleed until you die. Whatever makes you bitter has bitten your heart. You can only get better if you deal with it and let it go. 2. Wrath. Greek thumos is the kind of indignation that pumps up the passion to rush to kill or slay. It makes you breath harder than normal. This can literally stop your heart from breathing because it sounds like your car engine does when it is driving up a hill and struggling to do so. 3. Anger. 4. Clamour. Greek krauge. An outcry in protest. 4. Evil speaking. 5. Malice. 6. Unkindness. Not showing kindness to strangers and neighbors. 7. Hardheartedness. Being hard at heart is like taking cold water after every meal. It only congeals the oils that clog your arteries. You will soon have a heart attack. 8. Unforgiveness. When you brag that you won't forgive someone, just write your will and expect that August visitor called heart attack. It is coming for you, unless you forgive as Christ forgave us. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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