1 Peter 1:24-25 shows us how seasonal the human life is compared to God's word that transcends seasons. The human life is like grass. It grows. It greens or glows. After a while, it goes. You want to ask yourself, what stage am I? The reason you should never envy another person again is because they are in any one of these three stages. It's either they are Growing or they are Greening or Glowing or Going. Eventually, we will all be Going just as my beloved cousin Ken did go a few days ago. It all depends on where you are Going to after this life. Some grass are burned while some are bought over. Those that are burned end in hell while those that are bought by the blood of Jesus Christ are brought to a place called Paradise. The big question is, where are you going to? After all your growing, greening and glowing, where will you spend eternity? Settle this today so you can live rest assured in case your final going happens when you least expect. Partner with me to help 30 million souls in 50 nations decide their eternal destiny this year. It can also decide yours. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -