

Shame. This is one word that was never part of God's plan for man. Man, like God, was never designed to feel shame talk less of being conditioned to know shame. In Gen. 2:25, they were both naked and not ashamed. That was God's plan. You could be naked with no sense of shame. So at what point did nakedness became a feeling and condition of shame? We saw it in Gen. 3:7 after disobeying God's command, they KNEW they were naked. This word knew, Hebrew, yada, means to ascertain by seeing. This is not just the sight but all the five senses. It can also mean to become sensual. Sensuality leads to sexuality. When you live in the realm of the five senses, you will feel shame and eventually be conditioned to live in shame. Right there we see the cause of shame. It is disobedience to God's word which reduces us to live by our five senses instead of living by faith in God and His word. However, when redemption kicks in, God removes your shame and replaces it with double honor and glory. Isa. 61:7 is our sure bet that no matter the shame you are feeling now or you were conditioned to live in, God can turn it around. The same place where you were put to shame, He will honor you. Not once but twice. In fact, you will be so honored that you will rejoice in your portion, you will possess double lands, houses, etc and your joy will exceed your life time. Your shame will give way to your fame. You are becoming famous for what God can do with a nobody now becoming somebody. Glory to God! Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org.

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