

Deception. This is the all time bestseller of Lucifer from the Garden of Eden to the gate of hell. Have you noticed that anything that is a bestseller is most times laced with some deception? Any bestseller that can survive both scriptural and seasonal attacks is indeed a bestseller and certainly God inspired. The only thing that meets that qualification is the truth of God's word.
Gal. 6:7 commands us to not allow ourselves to be deceived. It is your responsibility to be deceived or not. Don't put it on anyone. That's why when Adam allowed himself to be deceived in Gen. 3, God asked him who was responsible. Adam passed it to Eve. Eve passed it to the serpent. That has become the standard of human judgement which makes us irresponsible. From the point you take responsibility for your life, that is when you begin to live by God's standard. His standard that frees you from deception is based on the law of sowing and reaping. What you see as your education, exposure and experience are the harvest of seeds you have sown or someone sowed on your behalf. If you don't like the harvest you are seeing, instead of living in denial or defeat or defense, plant the seeds you would want to harvest tomorrow. You can stop sowing seeds because of past hurts, habits and hang ups, it's still a seed you are sowing. When you plant nothing, you will reap nothing. It's just that you will have more than you planted. When Ephraim sowed wind, he reaped a whirlwind. Hosea 8:7. The worst part is if you sow nothing, weeds and weird creatures will take over your space. Instead of complaining about the bad harvest you are seeing around you, take responsibility to start planting good seeds that will produce good crops. It's time to resume planting your seeds of time, tithe, talent, treasures and testimonies so your harvest will be different. Decide today and take action. Don't delay because delayed obedience is deception in display. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Your precious seed will make a huge difference.Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org.

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