

Human life begins with Someone. It becomes through a system. Man was created by God as we see in Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7. Man was placed in a Garden called Eden because that is where he would function to his full capacity according to God's design. Gen. 2:8. The original meaning of the word, man, is the upright upward looking being. Man was designed to stand upright not uptight. However, his upright posture will be because he is looking upwards to His maker. That's why man was made a little lower than God. Psa. 8:5. It was for man's stand and security. That is what righteousness means, to stand right because you are looking up to God.
Any time any man is standing because their eyes are resolutely fixed on God in spite of their situation, God inputs it to them as righteousness. They may not be the nicest, smartest or correct people. However, God’s standard of evaluation is higher than ours. Prov. 21:21 shows us the rich blessings of standing upright looking upwards to God as your source and sufficiency. 1. You will find life. Yes, because your eyes are fixed on God, His life will invade your being sucking up anything that is contrary. This is what we call the born again experience. It is exchanging death for His kind and class of life. 2. You become God's righteousness. Fixing your eyes on Him fuses you with His pattern of living. You live like God. You can be mistaken for Him sometimes. But you know it's about Him not you. 3. You receive honor. Fixing your eyes on God as your source eventually brings honor and dignity. He garnishes your life with His presence and power that makes creation honor you. Such honor that makes your word come to pass. You say it and it is so because it seems like it was God Himself speaking through you. Like Elijah would say, according to my word. That is honor from God because your eyes are fixed on Him. No matter your challenge, be determined to fix your eyes on Him. Even if you die while trusting in Him, He will raise you up to honor you. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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