

Is anything too hard for God? Have you asked that question lately? I am sure that in the past thirty seven years of being a believer in Christ, I must have asked that question a million times. I have asked God when I wanted to see Him save or heal or deliver or provide or just change a situation. I have asked when I needed to travel and no ticket. I have asked when I needed accommodation and no money. I have asked when I needed to see some creative miracles and they seemed not happening. Incidentally, the only person to ask this question in the Bible is God Himself. That blows me away. Thank You Lord that I am not wrong in asking.
In Gen. 18:14, God asked Abraham, Is any thing too hard for the LORD? This was after He told Abraham that Sarah was going to have a child in old age. Sarah laughed and Abraham asked, Shall I surely bear a son in my old age? Gen. 18:13. What is that situation you are faced with right now that look so impossible? God is asking you, is it too hard for Me to handle? Rent? Debt? School fees? Transport? Sickness? Blackmail? Bankruptcy? Loss of a loved one or position or possession? When Jeremiah prayed in Jere. 32:17, he told God that there is nothing too hard for Him. Why? God made the heavens and the earth. Think about that. Whatever it is that you need, is either in heaven or on earth. Since He made them, He has them in stock. He who commanded man to replenish the earth has all it takes to replenish your life. Even if they are not in heaven and earth, Jeremiah said His hand has the power to create it. Wow! Wipe your tears, pick up your self and get back on track because God is about to do some awesome things in your life that you have never seen before. Like Jeremiah, stand up tall with your hands raised to worship Him for what He has done that is becoming your reality. Can you just take a moment to praise God for nothing is too hard for Him? This your situation is just a piece of bread for you. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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