

Since the fall of man in Gen. 3, man has been searching for God. This search is only a proof of how lost man can be even in the presence of God. In Gen. 3:8, they heard God looking for them and they hid themselves from Him. How can anyone hide from God who is ever present every where? We hide when we seek for ways to please God through our own ways. Our ways are not His ways just as our will is not His will. Sometimes I hear Christians say that they are seeking the will of God. I wonder, how can you seek His will when He has written it and it is available in print every where in almost all languages today? Don't be like Adam and Eve trying to hide from His presence in reverse as you try seeking His will that is ready and available.
1 Thess. 5:14-18 shows us His will for starters. Before you enter into the deeper depths of His will for your life, these are His basic will for you. 1. Warn the unruly. Some are not ready to be subject to rulers and leaders. Don't keep your mouth shut when you find them. Warn them so their blood is not in your hands. 2. Comfort the feeble minded. Some are feeble in mind. They can't make up their minds to be different and stand out. Don't beat them down. Encourage them. 3. Support the weak. There will always be weak ones. Don't abandon them. Be the one to make them strong. 4. Be patient to all men. Stop getting upset and impatient with people who are not as smart, sharp and sensible as you. Note the difference in each one and create room for their slowness. Treat the tortoise as tortoise not for speed. Don't treat a coco-yam as coconut. 5. Rejoice evermore. No one can make you excited about life. You are responsible for your joy. Stop putting it on your spouse or parents or colleagues to be joyful. Be joyful for who you are. 6. Pray without ceasing. Pray about everything including the small and great as well as those in between. 7. In everything give thanks. Even if it did not happen the way you planned, be grateful to learn the lessons on your way to your destination. Join me and my team to thank the Lord for a very productive and fruitful mission to Niger Republic this month. Thank Him for our next missions to fifty nations this year. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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