

Grace. This is the one word that makes the Christian life different from all other religion. It is the one word that makes Christianity an exciting life. What is it? Someone used the acronym to spell grace as God's Riches At Christ Expense. God made His rich love and kindness available to sinful man because Jesus paid for it.
Put in simple terms, your sins, past, present and future, were paid for by Jesus Christ so you can receive and enjoy God's forgiveness, kindness and goodness with no effort on your part. The only requirement is your acceptance of Christ as your Lord and Savior. This is what grace is all about. However, it does not license to sin. See what it does in Titus 2:11-15. 1. It brings the full benefits of salvation. When you receive Grace in the Person of Jesus, you receive the full benefits of salvation. You don't add anything to the package. It's all yours. 2. It teaches you how to enjoy the package of salvation which includes freedom from guilt, condemnation, sickness, disease, debt and death. The more you learn, the better you become. 3. It denies or deprives you of ungodliness and worldly lust. Grace gives you the capacity to say no to the wrong desires. It empowers you to run from evil. 4. It enables you to live soberly, righteously and godly in this life. 5. It opens your eyes to see the blessed hope and glorious future ahead. This keeps you focused in the face of compelling distractions. 6. It redeems you even when you fail or fall. Grace is the only insurance policy that assures you will recover even after what looks like a fatal fall or failure. With grace, you are not afraid or worried that you might fail or fall because even if you do, grace will restore you back to a bigger, better and richer state. 7. It enables you to speak, exhort and rebuke with authority backed by the Godhead. This is what makes your words work. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations with His grace this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org.

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