

Love, they say, is blind. It's only when it hurts that the blinder is removed. I am sure that you must have been hurt a few times because of love. I have. I know by experience. How can we walk in love so we don't get wounded?
Phil. 1:9-10 shows us three secrets. 1. Knowledge. Love at first sight can hurt at first bite. Love developed by knowledge grows by acknowledgment. Find out what to hold on to in trying times when you are in love. Get to know the strength and weakness of your love partner. Knowledge based on the truth of God's word is the only love that can weather any storm. Love because you know the truth of God's word about that person. What did God tell you about them? 2. Discernment. This word is based on moral perception or insight. What have you seen that inspires you about someone? Insight will always form the basis of inspiration. What did you see ten years ago? What are you seeing today? What can you see ten years ahead? Hold that thought to help you love this special someone. 3. Proof. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Prove your love by doing strange things. The reactions you get now will not change ten years after. What stupid thing have you done to prove he or she loves you? Did you study the reactions to know if this will change or not? Life is too short to live it in misery. Make your bed so you can lie on it. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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