

On June 2, 2016, Pastor Bridget Agbahime was beheaded by some Islamic faithfuls for blaspheming their holy prophet. This happened at Wambai market in Kano, here in Nigeria. This is not the first time this is happening. Our reaction is what matters at such happenings. When John the Baptist was beheaded in Matt. 14:1-13, Jesus departed the town on hearing this. Sometimes, the wisest thing to do, is to leave that environment for good. However, we can't all live or else who will bring about the change? What shall we do as Christians in a country that has already been Islamized without our knowledge and consent?
Col. 4:1-6 gives clear instructions: 1. Be just and fair. Don't become radicalized. Stay justified by your faith in Christ. Don't become like them. 2. Pray more. Be more prayerful than ever. Peter would have been killed like James but prayer saved him. 3. Watch. Be watchful. Be security conscious. Watch your environment. 4. Speak when your words can make a difference. Silence will lead to the slaughter in times like this. Speak where it can change things. 5. Be wise as serpent. When you are in public places, talk and act with wisdom. Scan those around you before you make statements that can be sensitive. 6. Be time conscious. The times are evil so be mindful of where you spend your time. Not every matter is worthy of your time. 7. Be gracious. You still carry grace. Don't let the hate, bitterness and anger out there overshadow the sweet fragrance of Christ in you. You are still a representative of Christ, His love and compassion for the lost. You were saved from them so Christ can save them through you. If Bridget's death can lead to the salvation of one soul, her death was worth it. She can't accomplish that. It will require someone alive, who is motivated by her death to reach one lost soul to make her death worth it. Let the river of salvation sweep across this nation so that once again, one man, this time, one woman's death will save many lives. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org.

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