

Wisdom profits when we get directions to live by. No one makes profit if they don't follow a set of rules and regulations in an area of activity. Eccl. 10:10. This is what Proverbs teaches us. It gives us directions to live well and wealthy.
In Prov. 3:5-6, we see the following instructions that will help us to live without stress. 1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. God made man to look like Him by looking at Him. That is what I consider trust to be. When your goal and ambition is to look like God not another human being. Every time you look like another human being, you devalue your being and significance. You were created to look like God. You can only look like God by looking at God. No wonder all the people Jesus called, His message to them was: follow Me. You can only follow the One you are looking at. Stop looking at human beings as your source of inspiration and pursuit in life. Look at the One who designed you so you can maximize your potentials. Don't devalue your divine significance by trying to look like some humans you consider to be role models or mentors. Your difference from another is what makes you look like God who designed you. 2. Lean not to your own understanding. Many times we fall or fail because we are depending on the way we did it the other day to take care of our situation whereas God has prepared a different means of supply. Don't depend on the same method and means to do things. Look up to God for a new way out. He who makes a way in the wilderness also causes rivers out of dry lands. He can feed you with the ravens today and tomorrow He can use a widow to take care of you. Even if He uses the Devil to give you food to eat, He is still in charge. 3. In all your ways, acknowledge Him. Put Him first. Look at His eyes as you begin the day, continue and end with your eyes on Him. He is for you, not against you. He is with you, He can't do without you. He loves you as if you are the only human being He created just as He loves Jesus. As you trust Him, He will direct your path guiding you with both His eyes and hand to the place of wealth and abundance He has for you. Glory to God! Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org

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