

There are sacrifices that God requires from us daily to give Him pleasure. I am certain that these are the same things we will be doing after this life is over. They will be the normal life we will live hereafter. But for now, they are sacrifices for us.
Why are they sacrifices? 1. Heb. 13:10 tells us that you have no right to eat these things that you offer. It is not that you can't eat them but you lose the right to eat them. So they become a sacrifice when you lose the right to use them. You totally surrender the rights to use them to someone else. Because of the seed of dominion planted in us by God, no one likes to lose the rights to use what they possess. It can be a painful release. That is why it is a sacrifice. 2. Heb. 13:10 tells that they are placed on an altar as an offering to God. 3. Heb. 13:11 tells us they are burned outside your camp. A sacrifice will always benefit someone outside your camp. It is not a sacrifice if you are circulating the benefit within your camp or companion. It must leave your circle to someone or some cause that is not within your camp or company. What are the sacrifices we must offer daily to please God and our rehearsals for the life after now? Heb. 13:15-16 tells us. 1. Praise. This is the act of telling the story of the laudable and commendable things God has done. Tell His story. That's what history is. 2. Your lips. Of every part of your body, your lips matters most because it determines the direction of your entire body like the rudder of a ship. God needs your lips daily. 3. Thanksgiving. Be thankful for everything. It's so easy to be ungrateful that's why it is a sacrifice to be thankful. 4. Do good. This can be a great sacrifice when you do good to those who don't deserve it or can't return the good back. 5. Share. To share what you have can be a sacrifice when it is leaving you with no guarantee that you can have another. If we do these sacrifices daily, we will pleasure God. If you have ever asked yourself, Lord, how can I please you? Do these things daily and you will be in God's good graces. Beyond pleasing God, you will be rehearsing the lifestyle we will live eternally with God after now. Glory to God! Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org

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