

Acceptance is one need in every human being. Everyone at some point in life seek to be accepted. We desire to be accepted by God, our parents, siblings, spouses, children, friends and the list is endless. People have committed suicide just because they did not feel accepted. People are dysfunctional just because when they were born, their parents didn't accept them. Sometimes, rebellion is just a reaction to the lack of acceptance. People do crazy, stupid and even abominable things just because they were not accepted by someone they love and admire or by a system or society they belong. I think that Adam may have eaten the forbidden fruit because he wanted to be accepted by the only human companion he knew. Even though he knew the consequences of eaten the forbidden fruit, he probably would have lost the company of Eve if he refused to eat when she gave it to him. Rom. 15:7 instructs us to accept one another as Christ accepted us to the glory of God. Why? 1. We need each other. You didn't get here by yourself. It is evident that you can't enjoy living here by yourself. No one person is self successful or self sufficient. We are all the product of the contributions of so many over the period we have lived. 2. We are all dysfunctional in one way or another. No one functions well without the contributions of others. We are like two porcupines that need warmth in the cold. With our spikes, we can poke each other until we find the safest distance to stay warm together without hurting each other. It takes education, exposure and experience to reduce our dysfunctionality to the barest minimum. 3. We can only accept one another if we take each other as Christ accepted us. Every time you look at your parents, partner or persons you have to relate with, if you can see them through the eyes of Christ, your thoughts, words and actions towards them will be different. Treat people like you would treat Christ because He may just be in them hoping you see Him. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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