

In John 3:16, we find the foursquare gospel or the four parts of the gospel of Christ. Gospel is simply good news. I love good news. God is the Good Being. His word is always good news. Instead of breaking news that breaks peoples heart, God offers us blessing news. Good news.
1. God's plan. The first part of the gospel is about God and His beautiful plan for man. God loves man so much so He is willing to kill Himself so that man can have and enjoy His kind and class of life. Very few rich people would like others to be like them. God is not intimidated if we look like Him. In fact, He designed man to look like Him. Gen. 1:26. He loves you so much that He wants to make you live and look like Him. His plan for you is based on His love for you. 2. God's punishment. His plan is a choice you must make for yourself and that must be consciously. If you don't choose Him, the only other option is that you will perish. To perish is to die by instalment. You are dying and you don't know. The worst part of this is that you are totally disconnected from God, His love, life and light. This disconnect is what hell represents. If you choose God, you escape the destruction of hell. 3. God's provision. He provided His Son Jesus Christ as our only means of escape from corruption and hell. No human being is incorruptible unless they are in Christ. Any president or politician trying to fight corruption without Christ in them has failed even before the fight. Jesus Christ is our only escape from corruption and hell. 4. God's proclamation. God is never silent about His plan, punishment and provision. He is the Word so He expresses Himself in words that anyone can hear and understand. It is people who confuse us about what God has said or is saying. If you listen to Him, you will hear Him without getting confused. He declares to you so you will make the right choice. As God, He will not force Himself on you. He offers Himself. You make the choice. I chose Him thirty seven years ago. He changed my life. He filled me with His love, life and light. Now, it is your turn to make the decision. Just say out loud: O God, I choose You today. Jesus, be my Lord and Master. Fill my heart with Your love, life and light. Thank You Jesus Christ for saving me today. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, write to me and I will help you grow in this new life. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - info@aggressivefaith.org

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