

Two kinds of freedom that every human being seeks for are: 1. Freedom from condemnation. From when Adam sinned, guilt and condemnation became part of human existence driving man into hiding. Another word for condemnation is accusation. The man accused the woman. The woman accused the serpent. Most of our fears and worries are accusations from people we relate with or a system we are a part of. Condemnation is also a tribunal set to decide what happens. Why we fear, worry, feel guilty and miserable is because we have this tribunal of people set to judge us. How will you feel to hear that Christ has set you free from condemnation? 2. Freedom from death. Since death set into human existence, man lives daily working hard to overcome death. We fight anything and anyone that wants to deprive us of living longer. How will you feel to hear that Christ has freed you from death? In John 5:24, Jesus gives us two keys to overcoming condemnation and death. 1. Hear His word. His word frees us from all forms of bondage. Be determined to hear His word daily. That's why I send you this devotional daily so you can hear His word today. 2. Believe in the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. Believe is a decision you make to accept the word of God as your final authority. Above human opinion and the verdict of the system or society you find yourself, His word is your bond. If what they are saying contradicts His word, you would rather stand alone with God. The moment you make that decision, all hell will break loose on you. They will come after you. They will intimidate you. But resolve to stand on your believe in God no matter what. Eventually, you have God's life that conquers death. You win. Even if they stop your body from moving, they can't stop your spirit from accomplishing your assignment. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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