

The word God is an Anglo Saxon word for God which simply means the good being. This does not define God. It gives us just the shortest description of who God is. He is essentially good. He is totally good. There is no bad or evil in Him.
Since there is no adequate definition for God in any spoken or written language, what we have are descriptions that help paint pictures of God depending on our personal circumstances and perceptions. That is why we have many descriptions of God. What is your personal description of God? Write it down and share it with me. I like to know what God looks like to you. What picture will you paint with your words about God that can literally explode my being? I like to know. This is what David said about God in 2 Sam. 7:20-22. God is awesome. Although David didn't use that word but he was looking for it when he said, what more can David say to You? It is like saying, You are awesome. Words are not enough to describe You o my God. Even if the words exist, as at 4000 years ago, they were non existent. I know that one day Michael Amamieye will be able to find the right word to express what my heart knows about You o my God. David was right because I just helped him out with that word. God is awesome. Yes, most times when you are rapt up in His wonders He is practically indescribable. That is why He gave us languages to help us at such times. When your heart is overwhelmed with His wonders, you use your language that even you sometimes don't understand. In that same breathe, David pulled out the words, Lord You are great because of all the great things You have done. His real name is not Great as some of us name our children. He is great because everything He does expresses His greatness. Don't you dare think small before God. He is great. He thinks, talks and takes actions that expresses His greatness. No wonder when He gives you an assignment, it is great. He does not give you what you can accomplish by yourself. He gives you what you must depend on Him to accomplish. Such that if He does not help you, you will die while trying. There is none like Him. Stop comparing God with any man you know. Sometimes, I have heard people say that God is a man of war or a gentleman. What an insult? God is not a man. He is God alone. It is stupidity to equate any man with God. Not your father or spouse or boss. No matter the respect you have for any man because of their position or person or powers, don't you dare put them on the same scale with God. God is God all by Himself. He has no deputy or vice or assistant. If a man you revere fails or falls, don't blaspheme God by giving up your belief in God. Man will always be man from Gen. 3. He will fail or fall in one or more parts just so you will take your eyes off of him and put it on God. Enjoy God in spite of men who fail you. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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