

God created man to look like Him by looking at Him. That is why the original meaning of man is the upright upward looking being. Man was designed by God to live upright not uptight. He can only live upright by looking upwards to His maker and master. Rev. 3:20 shows us how man no matter his condition can achieve this upright upward looking status.
1. Look up. God is always above even though He is everywhere. He is the Most High. You can never be upright if you are looking down. Since man looked down in Gen. 3, he was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Every time man looks up to God, he gets help and lift. Psa. 121:1. Determine to look up to God daily and you will be amazed at your lift in life. 2. Hear His voice. God is Word. John 1:1. You can't encounter God apart from His word. You can't know God apart from His word. You can't feel God apart from His word. Whatever your experience of God is must be by His word because He is Word and He rules His world by His word. Stay on the word and you will be safe from the winds and worries of life. 3. Fellowship with God. Having a personal and intimate relationship with God is the process that makes us one with God to the extent that we can think like Him, talk like Him and act like Him so we can experience the same results as if it were Him. Spend time mingling and meddling with God by praying in the Spirit, worship, praise, gratitude and confessions based on what He tells you. You become like Him as you think, talk and act like Him. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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