

On June 2, 2016 Pastor Bridget Agbahime was beheaded at the Wambai market in Kano by Islamic radicals for blaspheming their prophet. July 9, 2016, Pastor Eunice Elisha was butchered to pieces in Kubwa, Abuja while preaching the gospel of Christ. What shall we do as Christians in this country where we have a President who is not saying anything in reactions to the killings of Christians that has characterized this government? While we have our personal opinions, it is important to know what Christ Himself would say.
Matt. 5:44 is a collection of five instructions from Jesus to His followers. 1. Love your enemies. You can have enemies by your own choosing or theirs. Love them in spite of who chose who as enemy. 2. Bless those who curse you. Almost every time you have a disagreement with someone, they will curse you. Instead of cursing them back, bless them. Speak well on them. Speak well of them. 3. Do good to them that hate you. People will hate you for your color, creed and condition. They will hate you for your race, rank and religion. Do them good when you get the chance. 4. Pray for those who use you and despise you. Some will use you and yet despise you. Just pray for them. 5. Pray for those who persecute you. They will persecute you for your faith, fame and fortune. They will prosecute you for being in the opposition party. Don’t fight them. Just pray for them. God will fight them for you when you pray for them. These instructions came from Jesus Himself as He said, I SAY TO YOU. We will obey Him not because we are afraid of them. We will obey Him because He knows what to do. Don’t react in the flesh. Walk on the word. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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