

What is real love? Ancient Greek has four distinct words for love.
1. Agape. The love of God for man and of man for God. It is refined to express God's unconditional love for man. Love with no strings or conditions. 2. Eros. Love mostly of sexual passion. Plato refined it as an appreciation of beauty within. Hence platonic when you appreciate beauty without physical attraction. Lovers and phylosophers are inspired to seek truth through eros. That's why it takes romance to have a revelation. You can never know the truth of anything or anyone or anyplace until you become intimate with them. 3. Philia. Affectionate regard and respect for someone usually between equals or pals. This love requires loyalty, virtue, equality and familiarity between friends, family and community. It is a desire or enjoyment of an activity that both parties involved loves. 4. Storge. Affection between parents and children. Common or natural empathy felt by parents for their offspring. This love is also acceptance and putting up with situations. No wonder you can put up with certain behavior from your children but can't tolerate it from other people. In 1 John 3:16, we see God demonstrates these four loves to us. He loves us unconditionally. He romances us daily as He seeks to be intimate with us. That's how we get to know Him and His big love for us when we romance Him in fellowship. His desire and enjoyment of fellowshipping with us makes Him so loyal to us that He accepts us just as we are. He tolerates us until we change. To further demonstrate His love for us in all ways, He laid down His life for us. This is the highest demonstration of love when someone can give themselves without reservation. By His example, He now commands us to love each other without conditions and reservations. This is tough but it is a command we must obey. Just say, Yes Lord and He will love through you. As proof of your love and obedience, partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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