

In 1 Peter 5:10, I want to show you 3 things you should know about God that will forever make you strong and settled in life. 1. God is abundant in grace. He has the monopoly of all grace. You can't experience grace apart from God. He is so gracious, you can't exhaust His grace. No matter your shortfall or slowness or smallness, God's grace can make the difference in your life. Where you are weak, His grace empowers you. When you are poor, His grace makes you rich.
2. He called us to eternal glory. God is glorious. He did not call us to shame. He wants to see you glorified not shamified. Refuse anything or anyone or anyplace that reduces His glory in your life. Choose what adds dignity and honor. Walk away from people or places that reduce His glory in your life. 3. He allows us to suffer sometimes for a short while. When suffering is long, unless it is the fruit of the Spirit called long suffering, don't take it. Continuous suffering or struggle is not His plan for you. However, He allows suffering for a short while to make and mold us. He makes us perfect or mature through short time suffering. He makes us strong and settled in life through short time suffering. You will realize that during and after suffering for a short time, you learn priceless lessons of life you would never learn from any classroom or parents or teachers. That's why sometimes, allow your children or spouse or students to go through those short time sufferings so God can grow them up. No matter how hard you try, you can never do in yourself or another what only God can through the experiences of life He lets us have. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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