

Zig Ziglar said, 'Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. ' Let us look at those threesome from Col. 3:1-2. Attitude is your position or posture or pose as it relates to what you have decided to believe about yourself or someone or something or somewhere. That's why two people can have two directly opposed attitude towards something or someone or somewhere. Aptitude is your ability or readiness to learn and adapt to someone or something or somewhere. That's why while one is complaining about a place or position or possession another is just so grateful because they have learned and adapted to enjoy that moment. Altitude is the height or elevation from an object or point to the ground or sea level where you find yourself.
Since attitude determines altitude, our text today teaches us to do two things: 1. Seek those things that are above. The Greek, zeteo, means to search for something hidden as if you are worshiping it. It must preoccupy and actually occupy your mind as if you are worshiping it. It also means to plot or plan based on that. Your attitude to life, marriage, business, ministry, etc should be occupied by the things you admire, adore and accept as your reality. Anything that contradicts this is not allowed to occupy your mind and mouth. 2. Set your affections on things above. The Greek, phroneo, means to exercise your mind so as to entertain the sentiments and feelings of. Most people don't exercise their minds no wonder the enemy of their souls and others help them to exercise it. Just as no one can exercise their body and your body take on their shape, the same way no one can exercise your mind for you. It is your mind. Own it. If someone thinks bad or little of you, that's their problem. You set your mind on things above. Then you can rise above them. Like any plane ready to take off, the pilot sets the nose to look up and it goes up with all the human and material weights. We all have our weights and worries. But your attitude can lift you above if you set it above. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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