

Human life from the womb to the tomb has three progressive stages which becomes retrogressive in some cases. Because of the law of fruitfulness and increase God planted in man in Gen. 1:28, every human being is contented when bearing fruits and increasing. We however become discontented when it is otherwise.
Psalm 1:1-3 shows us the three stages of human progression and what to do to see you progress according to God's specific and unique plan for you. This is important because what is progress for one may be the opposite to another. The stages are: 1. Sitting. No one starts out in life standing and walking. We all begin by sitting from the floor up. No matter how small your beginning is, don't despise it. Everyone started as a sperm. We only grew with time and proper nourishment. How long you stay sitting can be determined by the company of scorners around you. If you hang out with those who scorn you for dreaming and daring to make progress, you will be on the floor longer than necessary. Take bold step to test your wings like that eagle that found itself among chickens. Just fly and you will surprise them and yourself that you can fly. 2. Standing. It takes a lot of guts to stand as a child who has been used to sitting on the floor for so long. The fear of falling can keep you down. Well meaning people around you can create an atmosphere of fear that further stops you from standing up. Since it is your body and you know you must stand, damn the consequences and stand up. Even if you fall or fail or fumble, eventually, you will be able to stand taller than those who tried to stop you. 3. Walking. Remember those first steps you took when you were trying to walk? There were those who encouraged and helped you. Yet others tried to stop you because they felt you might injure yourself. Everyone who has dared to walk gets injured somehow. The marks are the miles covered in life. They become the medals you won just to be different from those who did not dare like you. No matter how you love or hate someone's guts, don't stop them from dreaming and daring. When they begin to walk, you will be their hero. To see progress at any of these stages, you must be devoted to God, His word to you and take actions based on His word to you. Even if you fail, fail rest assured that you obeyed God. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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