

Who are you? Have you ever been asked this question? The first time we find it asked in the Bible, it was Isaac who asked his sons. In Gen. 27:18, Isaac asked Jacob, who are you my son? You know Jacob's answer. He said that he was Esau. In Gen. 27:32, Isaac asked Esau, who are you my son. Esau answered his name. What was wrong with both answers? Isaac knew they were his sons so the question is not about whose sons they were. It's not about their background or present situation. They were both from the same womb and ancestry. However, who are you is about your prophetic destiny and promises about to become your reality.
Psalm 139:13-16 gives a clear definition and description of who you are. 1. You are like God. Gen. 1:26. Before you were formed in your mother's womb, you were formed in God's image and likeness. 2. You became human in your mother's womb. Water takes the shape of its container. Because we are water beings, we are formed by the womb we came into this world. So if you are poor, broke, bad, ugly, etc, it was the shape of the wombs of experience, education and exposure. That's not you but your container. So, who are you? It's either you are defining and describing yourself based on who you are before the womb or who you are shaped by the womb. Water will always be water in spite of its container. When you discover that you are not what your container shaped you, you will begin to describe yourself properly. Nicole C. Mullen said, 'our color was never meant to become our definition, it was only intended to be part of our description.' You are 1. Praise worthy. That's why you come alive when you are celebrated. 2. You are fearfully made. That's why you demand respect. 3. You are wonderfully made. That's why people wonder at how you think, talk and take actions. 4. You are marvelous. Don't you even marvel at yourself sometimes? It's because you are. 5. You are mysterious. No wonder it took your parents, spouse and friends years to discover things about you that even you didn't know of yourself. Enjoy yourself for who God made you because you are only an infinitesimal part of the great God of the universe. Discovering who you are is a discovery of a spec of God with your small mind. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org.

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