

Man was designed by God to look like God by looking at God. This looking at God became looking for God as if God was lost. God is everywhere so He is never lost. However, because man listened to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, he began to look for what would make him look like God. How can you become what you already are? It's like a dog trying to catch it's tail or a child running away from his shadow. The search has continued from Eden. The struggle continue. Jesus puts an end to this search in Matt. 6:33 when He said to seek for two things and the rest will be added.
What are those two things: 1. The kingdom of God. Origen Adamantius of Alexandria got it right in the third century when he interpreted the kingdom of God as Jesus Himself. It was later in the fourth century that Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea reduced it to the Christian Church. Don't be confused again about what the kingdom of God is. Jesus showed us in several scriptures that the kingdom of God is the seed of God which must be planted through the preaching of the word of God. Luke 10:9. 13:18-20. When planted in any life, it produces the harvest of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Rom. 14:17. Preaching the kingdom of God in every city is a mandate we must be passionate about because this is His mission. Luke 4:43. To seek the kingdom of God is to be conscious of God and by that conscious, you are committed to spreading His presence until the whole human race become God conscious. Let's populate Jesus around the world until we see little Jesus in every human being. 2. His righteousness. While the kingdom of God is His presence, His righteousness is His pattern. From the beginning, His pattern is based on the seed principle. The seed has fruits and more seeds. It can only increase when planted. We can only increase the dominion of Christ by planting the seed of God through preaching the word of God. The seed when planted in any life has the capacity to transform that life. We are seed planters. Let us become more passionate and persistent about planting the seed of God around the world one person at a time. You can do this by becoming a partner with me as we are determined to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Your support will energize us. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org.

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