

Love. One word so misunderstood and confusing today. What do you think love is? You will be amazed at the different answers you will get if this question is put out for everyone to express their opinion.
For some, love is an emotion you feel for someone. For some, it is the need to be cared for and pampered. The Greeks have several definitions for love. For friends, they have phileo, love between two friends like David loved Jonathan. That doesn't suggest they were emotionally involved. You can love someone because you are just friendly with them. For lovers, the Greeks have eros, that is erotic love. This is emotional and sexual. It is the love you express when you are emotionally attracted to someone you can have sex with. There is also the love between parents and children. This love drives parents to do crazy things for their children. It can also be called sacrificial love because it makes a parent sacrifice their comfort for the benefit of their children. Above all, there is agape, the love with no strings or condition. This is the kind God has shown man. 1 John 3:18 is a charge for us to love like God. This kind of love is expressed in words and works. If you love like God, you should express it with words. Don't keep quiet. Say it. Beyond words, put some works or actions to your words. Amy Carmichael said, you can give without love but you can't love without giving. What makes this love unconditional is the fact that it is done in truth. John Stott said, truth becomes hard if it is not softened by love; love becomes soft if it is not strengthened by truth. For me, that seals it. If you are speaking the truth, soften it with unconditional love. If you really love, make your love strong by speaking the truth of God's word. If it is not based on God's word, it is not the truth and you are not walking in love. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org.

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