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What Christ did for us settles the matter of sin and its consequences. He did such a perfect job that nothing you do or don't do can add to or take out what He did. You can't do better or less to qualify for what He did. 1 Peter 2:24 settles the matter of your sin and sickness. For your sin, past, present or future, Jesus bore them on His body on the cross.
He knew we would be born sinners. He knew we would sin. Sometimes I wonder why we are surprised when some people we know and adore sin. Our reactions can be very appalling. A sinner is one because he sins. If a sinner doesn't sin then we should be concerned. If a goat eats grass, we would not be concerned because that is it's food. But when a goat wants to eat cow meat, I think something is wrong with that goat. When someone sins, the first question should be, is he or she a sinner. If they are, then they are normal. But if they are Christian, then, we know it is not normal. Something is wrong with that person. This word said, having died to sin we might live for righteousness because by His wounds we were healed. Only a sick Christian sin. He or she needs healing. The healing comes when he or she identifies with what Christ did on the cross. At the cross, while Christ hung there with your sin, you were hung as well. When He died, you died to sin. You can't be controlled by what you are dead to. When Jesus rose from the dead, you rose with Him never to die again. Therefore, sin shall no longer have dominion over you. Recognize and rehearse your identity with Christ until it becomes your reality. Every time you forget, you will fall or fail. Every time you see a Christian fall or fail, just know that they have forgotten God recently. That's why everyday you have to keep reminding yourself of what happened at the cross for you and appropriate the benefits of redemption in your life. If you fall or fail, don't stay there longer than a second. Remember what He did just for you. Repentance is just a reminder of where we missed the Redeemer. No debt is paid twice. He paid the bills because He knows you can't afford it. Besides, He loves you so much He paid a full payment to cover your expenses past, present and future. You can kiss sin and its consequences good bye. They have no hold on you any more. You can kiss sickness and disease good bye. They can't attach to your emotions and body any more. Anytime they want to attach to you, present the payment slip of the blood of Jesus Christ as your proof. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year.Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org.

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