

This is the most assuring proclamation from our Lord Jesus. Jesus said, I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Rev. 1:8.
These words can settle every issue in your life from your past to your present to your future. It is like taking one capsule that heals all sickness. Why? 1. He is. He exist in reality. Jesus is no longer the making of some religious bigots. He appeared to me thirty seven years ago and totally transformed my life from that bad boy embittered by a wicked society for killing my father by firing squad for a crime he did not commit. Only a real Jesus who was here more than two thousand years ago could have done such a transformation as though He is around the corner. He is real. He is alive in me. No one can beat this reality out of me. Jesus is real. 2. He was. Indeed He has been in existence before anything or anyone existed. This is so refreshing because all things and beings came from Him. He is the Creator and Originator of all existence. Whatever came from Him can only exist by Him. Nothing works without Him. Even your enemies work by Him. Whatever it is that is against you, works because of Him. Knowing that He is in control keeps me at peace because in the final analysis He will make it all right. What we call testimonies are proofs that He is in control. Can you tell me ten things He has done for you in the past ten months? Those are ten signs that He has been in your past saving, healing, delivering and blessing you. That you survived what killed or destroyed or devasted others is a clear testimony of the fact that He has been in your past. He is in control of your life. 3. He is to come. Yes, He is coming back. It may be tough now but He is coming back. It may be bad now but He is coming back. The bad guys may be having a party now but He is coming back. No matter what you feel or what the doctors say or what your bank says or who is against you, be rest assured that He is coming back. Don't give up because He is coming back. He is coming back for you. He is coming to take you to a bigger, better and richer place. He is coming! When the bad guys intimidate or threaten you, tell them, He is coming back for you. He will make them pay back seven fold whatever they have taken from you. When it gets too tough for you to handle, shout it loud and long, He is coming back for me and everything will be alright. All my sufferings will be over. All my labors will be rewarded. He is coming back for me. Glory to God! Partner with me to help me send this refreshing message to 30 million souls in 50 nations this year.Bishop Michael O. Amamieye -www.aggressivefaith.org

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