

Every day we get tempted to do evil.
For me, I detest seeing videos and pictures of Christians who are killed because of their faith in Christ or just simply because they don't want to defend themselves. I just don't like the emotions that evokes in me for vengeance or justice. I know that we all as humans have the capacity for both good and evil. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, it penetrated the human gene. Gen. 3:6. One translation calls it the tree of the consciousness of good and evil. So we are all conscious of what is good and evil. That is why we know when we are been good or evil. No single human being has the monopoly of being bad. We can all do bad without any aid or assistance. You don't need the racial or religious card to excuse yourself. As Christians, we are instructed to see to it that we do not render evil for evil to anyone. 1 Thess. 5:15. When someone treats you with contempt, don't retaliate. When your spouse treats you bad, don't retaliate. When your colleague treats you bad, don't retaliate. Every time you think to retaliate, you become like them. If they are evil, you are as evil as them. When you treat them with the direct opposite, you raise the standard. You show them that you are a better person. In fact, because you do it in obedience to God's word, you put yourself in the same class with God. Eventually, the same people who despised and treated you bad, you will sit as their judge. Your good will become their nightmare. The next time you are tempted to be mean, nasty, sarcastic, evil and retaliatory, choose to do good. Just change your mind and do good. If you are gievn the knife to cut off your enemies head, just change your mind and do good. The mind to think is your own. Use it as your own not theirs. The will to do is your own not theirs. Use it as your own. The emotion is yours. Don't let them control you to be like them become you are different. Choose to be different. Pursue what is good. The tensions are rising from all the bad things happening around us. Choose to be good. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations. Lets make the difference in our world for Christ. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - wwe.aggressivefaith.org

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