

On a day like this, some took palm branches, came to Jesus crying Hosanna! What does that mean to us today?
1. They did not appear before Him empty handed. Three times God commanded the Israelites to appear before Him. On those three occasions, they were commanded to not appear before Him empty handed. As you appear before Him today to commemorate the season, don't appear before Him empty handed. 2. They came to Him with palm branches which was a symbol of the eternal headquarters of His rulership both spiritual and geographic. Jerusalem has always been known as the city of Palm trees. Whether it is the present Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem that is yet to be released from heaven, they are both represented by the palm branches. By that act, these people recognized Jesus as both Melchizedek, King of Jerusalem and High Priest of the Most High God as well as the eternal God. As we commemorate the season, you must acknowledge Jesus Christ as both your King and Priest after the order of Melchizedek. 3. They came to Jesus. Not to any other but Jesus. You must come to Jesus alone because there is no other name given among men whereby we shall be saved. Only Jesus saves, heals and delivers. 4. They cried to Him. You must say what you believe He is to you. You can't come to Him and not SAY something. Say what you believe He is to you. If you believe He is your Savior. Say it. Don't just think about it, say it. Don't just agree with it, say it. Don't because you want to belong to your peeps keep quiet. Say it. 5. They did not whisper Hosanna, they shouted. If you believe in Jesus, shout it. Don't mind the propagators of the gospel of tolerance who want to shout you down and thus shut you down. Shout from the house top. Don't mind those midgets who are standing on political stools to increase their heights by banning gospel preaching. Shout what you believe about your King and Priest Jesus Christ. They can't shut you down if they can't shout you down. You decide the dance by the song you sing. Partner with us to reach 30 million souls in 50 countries this year. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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