

Three power packed confessions that can transform us daily are: I AM whatever follows is up to you. I choose: I AM BLESSED. I AM A BLESSING. The second is I CAN whatever you say next to that is your choice. The third is I WILL.
Everyday for the rest of your life, choose the right words that follows: I AM...I CAN... I WILL. Phil. 4:13 gives us a clue to what I CAN do. Everytime you say I CAN DO all things, power surges through every cell of your being. This power is stronger than electricity. It is the same creative and constructive power we see in Gen. 1&2. Everytime God said, Let there be...that was God saying I CAN DO ANYTHING. When God brought His creation to Adam to name them, that was God teaching Adam to say I CAN DO ANYTHING. Yes, you CAN do bad just as much as you CAN do good. So choose your deeds. Don't you ever say again: I CAN'T because that is a lie someone else other than God told you. If God didn't say you CAN'T, don't believe what anyone else tells you. Always remember that the One who designed you is the only One who knows your capacity for both good and bad. You only discover yourself. Because He has said that YOU CAN, you say I CAN. Keep saying it until you see what you say you can become your reality. Partner with me to reach 30 million souls in 50 nations this year as we show them that they can become sons of God for real. Bishop Michael O. Amamieye - www.aggressivefaith.org.

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